Directions for the Labor Condition Improvement and Status Enhancement of Physical Education Directors 체육분야 국가자격의 실효성 제고방안 연구(I): 체육지도자 처우개선과 지위향상을 위한 제도개선 방안
Directions for the Labor Condition Improvement and Status Enhancement of Physical Education Directors 체육분야 국가자격의 실효성 제고방안 연구(I): 체육지도자 처우개선과 지위향상을 위한 제도개선 방안
This study purported to explore labor conditions and related problems to provide the systemic directions for labor condition improvement and status enhancement of physical education directors. In order to achieve the research purpose, open survey with 35 physical education directors, in-depth interview with six physical education directors and content analysis of group discussion with six experts were conducted. Based on the results of this study, after extracting a total of 586 sub factors, a category analysis was conducted, and 14 categories were developed. Among them, transition to regular job, indefinite contract and career conversion introduction were classified as job stability, extra pay, salary standardization and extra cost as salary, regulation, personnel mobilization and self-development as job operation, and space securement, vacation, finance, and non-finance as welfare. Legal improvements for the labor condition improvement and status enhancement of sports directors have been proposed to remove the Fixed-term and Part time workers Protection Law enforcement ordinance article 3 section 3 No. 7 and the School of Physical Education Promotion Law enforcement ordinance article 3 section 4 No. 3. and Item new draft of the physical education leadership training and management were presented in the National Sports Promotion Law enforcement ordinance article 23-2.
Key Words
labor condition improvement, status enhancement, physical education director
A Study on Activities and the Prevalence of Tainihonkokumintaiso During Japanese Occupation 일제강점기 “대일본국민체조”의 보급과 활동에 관한 연구
이병진ByongJinLee , 황의룡EuiRyongHwang
55(4) 1-11, 2016
A Study on Activities and the Prevalence of Tainihonkokumintaiso During Japanese Occupation 일제강점기 “대일본국민체조”의 보급과 활동에 관한 연구
이병진ByongJinLee , 황의룡EuiRyongHwang
After the Second Sino-Japanese War, the Japanese government established the Ministry of Health and Welfare and disseminated the newly enacted ‘Tainihonkokumin gymnastics’. Unlike previous forms of gymnastics, it breaks away from the Western culture and focuses on improving physical strength for war. The Ministry of Health and Welfare used not only gymnastics but other ‘Radio gymnastics’ to reinforce the Emperor system ideology. In 1940 and encouraged the participation of community groups and patriotic classes in Radio Gymnastics by using newspapers to announce events. Political authority also actively intervened in sports as it was used to improve physical strength and inject militarism. The Chosun Government-General of Korea starting disseminated Tainihonkokumin gymnastics Japanese rituals (bowing in the direction of the royal palace, pledging allegiance to Japan) were imposed and thoroughly reinforced in the process. Since 1940, the Chosun Government-General of Korea used various media outlets to enforce ‘Radio Gymnastics’, a type of ‘Tainihonkokumin gymnastics’ done in groups. Group gymnastics in Colonial Chosun started with ‘Radio gymnastic ’ in 1930, continued with ‘Kokokushinmin gymnastics’ in 1937, and went on to ‘Tainihonkokumin gymnastics’ starting in 1940.
Key Words
Tainihonkokumin gymnastics, group gymnastics, Radio Gymnastics, militarism
An Analysis of Match-Fixing from the Ethical Point of View 윤리적 관점에서 본 승부조작
55(4) 13-22, 2016
An Analysis of Match-Fixing from the Ethical Point of View 윤리적 관점에서 본 승부조작
This essay examines a type of match fixing which, rather than involving illegal betting or bribery, merely causes athletes not to do their best for ultimate wins. In other words, why is “not doing one’s best to win” an ethical problem? If such act undermines sport spirit, what is it that’s undermined exactly? In order to answer these questions, this essay suggests an ethical-theoretical lens through which to criticize match fixing. First, among many philosophical approaches toward cheating in sport, this essay focuses on formalism and the notion of ethos, contextualized in the debate on match fixing. Then, I look at the diverse interpretations of victory and competition provided by eminent scholars of sport philosophy, so as to consider match fixing from an ethical perspective. Last, I suggest Kant’s categorical imperative, Rawls and Scanlon’s contractarianism, and Hegel’s ethics as a theoretical basis for critiquing match fixing from an ethical viewpoint. That is, this essay hopes to clarify the values undermined by match fixing, using the ethics of Kant, Hegel, and contractarians.
A Study on the Two Sides of Exercise Addiction 운동중독의 양면성에 관한 고찰
김종호KimJongho , 김재운KimChaeWoon , 정이든JeongEden
55(4) 23-32, 2016
A Study on the Two Sides of Exercise Addiction 운동중독의 양면성에 관한 고찰
김종호KimJongho , 김재운KimChaeWoon , 정이든JeongEden
In this study, positive and negative exercise additions are analyzed to promote a better understanding of processes that lead to two different exercise additions. The purpose of the study is to contribute to overall understanding of exercise addiction and to help maintain a critical perspective on the exercise addition.
First, the public views exercise addiction as an adversity because the word, "addiction" itself implies a negative term. Therefore, it is necessary to separate the study from the general emotional approach and to focus on abuses and severity of exercise addiction.
Second, it is highly recommended that exercise addition is dealt as a social issue not a mere individual problem in order to prevent any logical errors. Exercise addition is a disease that is included in the broader definition of addiction. Therefore the study on exercise addition will be helpful to exercise addicts only when the public accepts the exercise addiction as a form of diseases and appropriate studies based on the public understanding about exercise addiction follow.
Key Words
긍정적 운동중독, 부정적 운동중독, 양면성, 딜레마, Positive exercise addiction, Negative exercise addiction, Two sides, dilemma
The Relationship among Work Values, Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy and Career Sense Maturity of University Judo Athletes 대학 유도선수의 직업가치관과 진로결정 자기효능감 및 진로의식 성숙도의 관계
The Relationship among Work Values, Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy and Career Sense Maturity of University Judo Athletes 대학 유도선수의 직업가치관과 진로결정 자기효능감 및 진로의식 성숙도의 관계
The purpose of this study was to find out relationship among work values, career decision-making self-efficacy and career sense maturity of university Judo athletes. In order to achieve this purpose, 224 university Judo athletes were selected by the convenience sampling method. The 205 collected data were used by IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0 and AMOS 21.0 programs. This study was conducted by frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlations analysis and structural equation model analysis. As the results, the following conclusion was derived. First, it was discovered that the work values had static influence to the career decision-making self-efficacy. Second, it showed that work values gave static influence to the career sense maturity. Third, it showed that the career decision-making self-efficacy affect to the career sense maturity.
Key Words
work values, career decision-making self-efficacy, career sense maturity
A Study on the Change Process of Social Behavior and Interaction in Physical Activity of Youth with Intellectual Disabled 지적장애 청소년의 신체활동 참가와 사회적 행동의 변화
55(4) 45-58, 2016
A Study on the Change Process of Social Behavior and Interaction in Physical Activity of Youth with Intellectual Disabled 지적장애 청소년의 신체활동 참가와 사회적 행동의 변화
The present study has investigated change process of social behavior in interaction among intellectual disabled youth of participation in physical activiti es. It has taken on a Symbolic Interactionism(Blumer, 1969, Mead, 1934) approach and analyzed. Nine 10-19 years male youth with intellectual disabled registered for a sports activities(swimming and walking) agreed to serve as the subjects of the study. Data Collection of this study used in-depth interviews and participation observation in activity situation. For a data analysis, category of main subjects, its attribute and dimension shave be discovered through the use of a discursive analysis method. Results indicated that social behaviors with the three change process presented as the variety phenomena by the early stage, meddle stage and last stage in physical activities program. This suggests that it is serves as the foundation for the discussion of the results and understand to the quality of life to the intellectual disability.
Key Words
youth with intellectual disabled, physical activity, social behavior, symbolic interactionism
Sport and International Development: Rooting Globalization of Korean Sport Diplomacy 스포츠와 국제개발: 한국스포츠외교의 세계화 뿌리내리기
Even though Korea has become a member state of OECD DAC in September, 2009, the country``s coverall contribution to international development through sport seems still insufficient. Likewise, Korea should initiate proactive development through sport programs at various levels for developing countries in order to enhance the country``s position at international sport governing bodies. In this view, the current study examined relatively successful sport development programs conduced by foreign agencies including governmental organizations with implementing the significance of international development activities using sports. Attention was also paid to Korean sport programs and their potential to be used for international development. First, Korean sport development program for developing countries must have following aims on based on conformity to the universal values of human life: preventing diseases, promoting health, universal education, gender equality, alleviating conflict, inter and intra community communication, industrial development, and global partnership. Second, The need for long-term national development plan of a recipient country, the experience of emerging donor, the improvement of civilian ability, Korea-self outstanding program in oder to deliver the international development through sport program effectively. Also, funding sources must be diversified and the program must be systematically evaluated. Finally third, a close cooperation between governmental and non governmental organizations such as Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Korean Olympic Committee, NGO, enterprise domestically and the government, UN, IOC, FIFA, Right to Play internationally are required.
Key Words
sport diplomacy, soft power, international development, sport assistance program, Official Development Assistance, ODA
Influence of Leisure Perception on Passion and Exercise Addiction of Badminton Club Members 배드민턴 동호인의 여가인지가 열정 및 운동중독에 미치는 영향
손으로EuRoSon , 김인형InHyungKim
55(4) 73-84, 2016
Influence of Leisure Perception on Passion and Exercise Addiction of Badminton Club Members 배드민턴 동호인의 여가인지가 열정 및 운동중독에 미치는 영향
손으로EuRoSon , 김인형InHyungKim
The major objective of the study was to investigate effects of leisure perception on passion and exercise addiction of badminton club members, in order to pursue this, a total of 369 members of badminton clubs, located in the B-city, was enrolled through the purposeful sampling method and then a questionnaire survey was performed. Upon collection, data were analyzed through factor analysis, reliability analysis, and multiple regression analysis and following conclusions were drawn. First, effects of leisure perception were investigated, as results, harmonious passion was influenced by leisure desire, leisure involvement and leisure control, in an order of significance. In contrast, the leisure control was the only factor significantly influenced on the obsessive passion. Second, leisure desire and involvement of leisure perception had a significant effect affection and tolerance factors amongst exercise addiction. Third, obsession passion had a significant effect on withdrawal symptoms, discord, and obsession symptoms. Also, obsession passion and harmonious passion were shown to be significant on affection and tolerance factors amongst exercise addiction, in an order of significance.
Key Words
Leisure perception, Leisure passion, exercise addiction, badminton club
Understanding of Yon-Ko-Jeon Culture: The Phenomenon of Women`s Alienation in Yon-Ko-Jeon 연고전 문화 읽기: 연고전과 여성 소외현상
배재윤JaeYoonBae , 원영신YoungShinWon
55(4) 85-107, 2016
Understanding of Yon-Ko-Jeon Culture: The Phenomenon of Women`s Alienation in Yon-Ko-Jeon 연고전 문화 읽기: 연고전과 여성 소외현상
배재윤JaeYoonBae , 원영신YoungShinWon
By examining the constitutive characteristics of Yon-Ko-Jeon and analyzing the lived meanings and experiencing essence of students, this study details the students`` awareness, responses, and strategies with regards to the phenomenon of women``s alienation from Yon-Ko-Jeon. Students from the two colleges were divided into two groups- one which was aware of women``s alienation from Yon-Ko-Jeon, and another group that was unaware of such a phenomenon. Students without awareness tended to perceive the alienation of women from Yon-Ko-Jeon as a natural phenomenon. On the other hand, the members who had awareness tended to see it as a phenomenon that was either justified, unequal, or in need of change. In the latter group, those who saw women’s alienation as a justified phenomenon responded with tolerance and adopted a bystander strategy. Conversely, those who saw it as an unequal phenomenon responded with rejection and instead chose to adopt anti-/alternative Yon-Ko-Jeon strategies. The last group, which perceived women’s alienation as a phenomenon in need of change, adopted correcting responses as well as intercollegiate solidarity and cooperation strategies. A generalization of the findings reveals that the students`` experiencing essence of the phenomenon extends from critical thinking to awareness, response, and strategy in a step-by-step and sequential process. Through this study, it was found that the students`` experiencing essence all follow a continuous thinking pattern, as illustrated in the diagram provided.
The Relationship among Social Contribution Activities of KLPGA, Organizational Identification and Organizational Commitment KLPGA의 사회공헌활동과 조직동일시 및 조직몰입의 관계
The Relationship among Social Contribution Activities of KLPGA, Organizational Identification and Organizational Commitment KLPGA의 사회공헌활동과 조직동일시 및 조직몰입의 관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among social contribution activities of KLPGA, organizational identification and organizational commitment. The Participants of this study are KLPGA Professional golfers who are members of typical Professional golf organization among professional sports organization. The data were analyzed by frequency analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling with SPSS 22.0, AMOS 22.0 program. The results of this study were as follow. First, Social contribution activities of KLPGA positively influenced organizational identification. Second, organizational identification positively influenced organizational commitment. Third, Social contribution activities of KLPGA positively influenced organizational commitment. Fourth, organizational identification had a partial mediation effect between social contribution activities of KLPGA and organizational commitment.
Key Words
klpga, social contribution activities, organizational identification, organizational commitment
A Study on the Anxieties of the Applicants Preparing Physical Education Teacher``s License and Their Devotion to Career Path 임용고사를 준비하는 예비체육교사의 걱정거리와 진로전념
55(4) 121-131, 2016
A Study on the Anxieties of the Applicants Preparing Physical Education Teacher``s License and Their Devotion to Career Path 임용고사를 준비하는 예비체육교사의 걱정거리와 진로전념
The purpose of this paper is to analyze applicant``s anxieties and devotion to his/her career path who wants to become a physical education teacher. Another purpose is to apprehend their inner conflicts and adaptation process which they could go through in the course of preparing the teachers’ licence. To do this, a purposeful sampling method was used. Five potential physical education teachers were selected as study participants, who had an experience of applying the teacher recruitment examination at least over two times and then passing the primary one. The relevant materials were collected by in-depth interview and e-mail, and then the collected materials are analyzed by the way of subject analysis. As a result, the anxieties that they had in common were largely divided into three. The first one was on the potential physical education teacher recruitment system in which they can not help complying with the structure as an inevitable consumer. The next one was a financial problem. The heavy financial burden while they were preparing the examination was another concern to them. The last one was that they felt too much pressure in keeping pace with studying the theory and practicing it at the same time. The two reasons why the potential physical education teachers were devoted themselves to preparing the examination were ``influential advice from others`` and ``the absence of alternatives``. First of all, the advice, which their seniors or friends give to them, played especially a crucial role in having confidence and their being wrapped up in the career path. The other important reason was their endeavor to struggle to survive in the only one way career path to be a physical teacher
Key Words
teacher recruitment examination, Applicants preparing physical education teacher`s license, Anxiety, Devotion to career path
An Ethnographic Understanding of Married Couples Dance Sports Club 부부 댄스스포츠 동호회에 대한 문화기술적 이해
최미영MiYoungChoi , 정문현MoonHyunJung
55(4) 133-143, 2016
An Ethnographic Understanding of Married Couples Dance Sports Club 부부 댄스스포츠 동호회에 대한 문화기술적 이해
최미영MiYoungChoi , 정문현MoonHyunJung
This study aimed to provide a data of the functions and roles of couple dance sports. A comprehensive understanding of these sports was gained through study of the conditional and situational characteristics of social psychological phenomena and the interactions of participants in a couple dance sports club. For this purpose, five couples, who are members of J Dance Club, one of the couple dance sports clubs located in D metropolitan city, were selected for this study according to the standardized selection methods of qualitative studies. The data collecting was carried out through participant observation and in-depth interviews. The collected data was analyzed using the analysis by methods of Dey(1993) and the research results were as follows. First, couple dance sports club activities made it possible for participants to spend time being someone other than themselves and made their romantic ideals come true through deviation from their daily life. Second, the result were showed that women wanted to be free from male dominance and gender-based control dynamics. Third, activities from the couple dance sports club showed the light and shade of the solid network which gave pressure from intimacy and fun and pleasure from club members. Based on this, this paper proposed practical data for couple leisure activities the positive functions of couple leisure activities, interaction of couple which can promote quality of life, happiness, and pleasure for couples.
Key Words
Married Couples, Dance Sports Club, Ethnographic Understanding
The Results, Problems and Assignments of Supporting Project of International Specialized Manpower to National Sports Federations 대한체육회 가맹경기단체 국제전문인력 지원사업의 성과, 문제점과 개선방안
김성하SungHaKim , 전원재WonJaeJeon , 임수원SooWeonLim
55(4) 145-157, 2016
The Results, Problems and Assignments of Supporting Project of International Specialized Manpower to National Sports Federations 대한체육회 가맹경기단체 국제전문인력 지원사업의 성과, 문제점과 개선방안
김성하SungHaKim , 전원재WonJaeJeon , 임수원SooWeonLim
The purpose of this study was to understand the operational system of the supporting project of international specialized manpower to national sports federations which proposed for reinforcement of international cooperation of sports and to suggest alternatives for future improvements. As such, a qualitative research was conducted for this purpose. Eight research participants were selected via criteria group method. The data was collected through in-depth interviews with the participants, and it was then analyzed using textual analysis. The results of the research are as follows: National federations have strengthened not only their own administration but also the power of sports diplomacy and international cooperation by those young and talented manpower. Moreover, this project creates jobs in the field of sports diplomacy and administration. Meanwhile, this study showed problems. Firstly, the personnels could not have enough opportunities to foster their professional skills. Secondly, there was a problem of unstableness of employment due to limitation and condition of government subsidy. Thirdly, low satisfaction led to resignation of many personnels and national federations had to look for replacements. Here are the finding for the alternatives. Firstly, government subsidy for the personnels needs essentially without limitation and condition of the period. Secondly, the national federations and the KOC should help them strengthen their skills with works and educational program. Thirdly, the work environment should be improved with development of infrastructure and additional incentives. We have gained a better understanding of results and problems of the project through this research, and have pointed out key factors that will help to resolve the problems.
Key Words
International specialized manpower, Sports Diplomacy, Administration, National Sports Federations, NFs
The Relationship Between Sport Passion and Athlete Burnout: The Mediating Effect of Self-Regulated Motivation 운동열정과 운동선수 탈진 간의 관계: 자기조절동기의 매개효과
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between sport passion(harmonious and obsessive) and athlete burnout, and whether these relationships are mediated by self-regulated motivation. The participants in this study were 261 collegiate and business team athletes who participated in the 2015 Taekwondo national representative selection match. They completed the questionnaires assessing passion, self-regulated motivation and athlete burnout. The major findings were as follow. First, the harmonious passion had significant negative effects on sport devaluation and reduced sense of athletic accomplishment, while the obsessive passion had negative effect on emotional/physical exhaustion. Second, the harmonious passion had significant positive effect on autonomous motivation and negative effect on controlled motivation, whereas the obsessive passion had positive effect on both motivation. Third, the harmonious passion had significant negative indirect effect on all three burnout dimensions by autonomous motivation and controlled motivation. In contrast, the obsessive passion had significant negative indirect effect on all three burnout dimensions by autonomous motivation, and had significant positive indirect effect on all three burnout dimensions by controlled motivation.
Grounded in Goal Content Theory, we conceptualized the learning goals in the physical education (PE) context, and initially validated students`` learning goals to assess learners`` intrinsic and extrinsic goals. In addition, we examined the relationship between teacher motivating styles and students`` learning goals in PE. Study design is cross-sectional or correlational. Three hundred thirteen students from middle and high schools, Seoul, Korea metropolitan participated in this study, and completed the self-reported questionnaire. The factorial structure of the learning goal questionnaire was tested using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis across the study. As results, students‘ learning goals comprised 2 higher order factors consisted of 6 sub-factors (Intrinsic goals: skill development, health management, social affiliation with teachers, and social affiliation with students, Extrinsic goals: social recognition and body image), and the scores of a relative intrinsical goals within students were predicted by teachers’ motivating styles (autonomy support vs. control). The newly adopted questionnaire grounded in Goal Content Theory demonstrated good content and factorial validity, as well as internal consistency in PE context. Suggestions for its use in research pertaining to physical education, exercise, and sport participation are discussed.
The Mediation Effect of Mattering on the Relationship between Physical Competence and School Life Adjustments of Elementary Students Participating in Physical Activity after School 방과 후 체육활동 참여 초등학생의 신체적 유능감과 학교생활적응의 관계에서 또래존재감의 매개효과
55(4) 189-200, 2016
The Mediation Effect of Mattering on the Relationship between Physical Competence and School Life Adjustments of Elementary Students Participating in Physical Activity after School 방과 후 체육활동 참여 초등학생의 신체적 유능감과 학교생활적응의 관계에서 또래존재감의 매개효과
The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediation effect of mattering on the relationship between physical competence and school life adjustments of elementary students participating in physical activity after school. The number of subjects for this study were 429 who were participating in the physical activity after school in Gyeonggi-do. The reliability and validity test of the questionnaire and descriptive analysis, factor analysis, correlation were conducted by using IBM SPSS 20.0 and structural equation model was conducted by using IBM AMOS 20.0 program. The results are as follows, First, there is a causal effect of physical competence, mattering, school life adjustments of elementary student’s participating in physical activity after school. Second, the relationship among physical competence, mattering, school life adjustments of elementary student’s participating in physical activity after school shows complete mediation. Third, there is the mediation effect of mattering on the relationship between elementary student’s participating in physical activity after school. physical competence and school life adjustments.
Key Words
physical competence, mattering, school life adjustments, physical activity after school, elementary student
A Study on Developing and Implementing Education Programs for the National Mountaineering School 국립등산학교 교육프로그램개발 및 운영방안 연구
신윤호YunHoShinn , 이낙훈NakHoonLee , 박미숙MiSukPark
55(4) 201-214, 2016
A Study on Developing and Implementing Education Programs for the National Mountaineering School 국립등산학교 교육프로그램개발 및 운영방안 연구
신윤호YunHoShinn , 이낙훈NakHoonLee , 박미숙MiSukPark
This study was conducted to develop education programs and to come up with some successful implementation plans for the National Mountaineering School(NMS) due to be established at Sokcho-si, Gangwon-do. To achieve these purposes, the education programs of domestic and foreign mountaineering schools and relevant data were collected and analyzed, and a Delphi survey of 10 mountaineering education experts was conducted through e-mail, and an internet questionnaire survey was carried out of 1,133 mountaineers visiting mountains more than two times per year. The main results of the study were that the fundamental educational goal of NMS``s was able to be identified as ``to bring up those creative-thinking-oriented mountaineers, equipped with sound mountaineering activities and cultures, who can lead the future society of forest well-bing`` and that mountaineering education was categorized into 5 major domains such as mountaineering skills, mountaineering equipment, mountain environment and safety, mountaineering culture, and pedagogy of mountaineering, each of which was subdivided into a set of specific subject matters. The survey results revealed that ordinary mountaineers were recognizing education courses regarding mountain environment and safety as the most needed programs for the NMS.
Key Words
mountaineering education program, the domain of mountaineering education
A Narrative Inquiry of the School Athletic Club Teacher’s Positive Psychology Life: Focus On Experience and Values 학교운동부 감독교사의 긍정적 삶의 경험과 가치에 관한 내러티브 연구
55(4) 215-225, 2016
A Narrative Inquiry of the School Athletic Club Teacher’s Positive Psychology Life: Focus On Experience and Values 학교운동부 감독교사의 긍정적 삶의 경험과 가치에 관한 내러티브 연구
The purpose of this study was to search for contents and values a leader of school athletic club experienced in the framework of positive psychology. Materials were collected by using daily record of an athletic club and stimulated recall process, interview and collected materials were analyzed based on area analysis and classified analysis Spradley(1979) suggested. In this study, contents of learning experience are an educational meaning that the researcher experienced, coaching a school athletic club. In addition, values of learning experience mean an individually internal change a leader of athletic club gets through educational experience. As the experience contents of school athletic club the researcher experienced, ‘Highlighting an advantage of a teacher’, ‘Culture of an another leader’s life except for a teacher’, ‘Opportunity of a teaching activity related to teaching and learning’, and ‘Understanding life and worry of others’ were categorized. As the experience values of school athletic club, ‘Positive emotion and positive characteristic’, ‘Reviving advantage and virtue’, and ‘Regaining meaning and purpose of life’ were deducted.
Key Words
framework of positive psychology, school athletic club, experience, values, narrative inquiry
Promoting research integrity in sport and leisure studies: From the perspectives of academia 체육학 연구에서의 연구부정행위 방지를 위한 근거이론적 접근
이원일WeonIlLee , 진연경YeonKyungJin , 이경준KyoungJuneYi
55(4) 227-240, 2016
Promoting research integrity in sport and leisure studies: From the perspectives of academia 체육학 연구에서의 연구부정행위 방지를 위한 근거이론적 접근
이원일WeonIlLee , 진연경YeonKyungJin , 이경준KyoungJuneYi
Research misconduct has been a strong societal concern in sport and leisure studies. However, little is known about the complex mechanisms and ways of promoting research integrity. This study aimed at exploring the ways in which research integrity in sport and leisure studies could be established from the perspectives of academia. Employing a grounded theory approach, 13 academics and graduate students were invited to the study. Data were collected primarily through focus group and one-on-one follow-up interviews. Perceived negative factors contributing to research misconduct within socio-political/socio-environmental, socio-cultural, and personal contexts were identified. Three approaches, (a) top-down approach, (b) bottom-up approach, and (c) continuous education, as well as subsequent practical strategies were also suggested for the enhancement of research integrity within the field. This paper provided empirical knowledge regarding barriers to and opportunities for improving research integrity in sport and leisure studies.
Key Words
Research misconduct, research integrity
A Study on Attributes to Select the Physical Education Institutes for Preschoolers in Directors of Educational Institutes for Preschoolers 유아교육기관장의 유아체육교육기관에 대한 선택속성 연구
55(4) 241-252, 2016
A Study on Attributes to Select the Physical Education Institutes for Preschoolers in Directors of Educational Institutes for Preschoolers 유아교육기관장의 유아체육교육기관에 대한 선택속성 연구
The purpose of this study was to suggest rating factors of the importance and the satisfaction for selecting physical education institutes for preschoolers and to provide an implication of vitalizing physical education class for preschooler with comparative analysis between importance and satisfaction using IPA analysis. 253 directors of educational institutes for preschooler have chosen through a convenience sampling method, and 430 was used for analysis. The results were as follows. First, the instructor qualification items and the program items ranked highly positions in physical education institute for preschooler . Second, the instructor qualification items, the program items, tuition items of discount benefit and institution image items of rep tation had the significant difference between importance and satisfaction. Lastly, The quadrant Ⅰ is “the keep up the good work” part and includes 8 items such as the expertise of the physical education teacher for preschooler. The quadrant Ⅱ is “the concentrate here” part and includes 2 items such as teaching ability of the physical education teacher for preschooler. The quadrant Ⅲ is “the low priority” part and includes 6 items such as reasonable prices of tuitions.
Key Words
preschooler, physical education institutes, attributes to select
Analysis of Levels of Physical Activity between Semester and Vacation among Middle School Students: Using Three Dimensional Accelerometer 3차원 가속도계를 이용한 중학교 남녀 학생의 학기 중과 방학 중 신체활동 특성 이해 및 비교 분석
이규일GyuIlLee , 강형길HyoungKilKang
55(4) 253-261, 2016
Analysis of Levels of Physical Activity between Semester and Vacation among Middle School Students: Using Three Dimensional Accelerometer 3차원 가속도계를 이용한 중학교 남녀 학생의 학기 중과 방학 중 신체활동 특성 이해 및 비교 분석
이규일GyuIlLee , 강형길HyoungKilKang
Three dimensional accelerometer shows higher validity and reliability in accessing physical activity, compared to self-administered questionnaires. However, a few study measuring physical activity have used the three dimensional accelerometer due to the high cost and inconvenience, and even fewer studies have addressed the differences of middle schoolers’ physical activity between semester and vacation using the three dimensional accelerometer. Thus, the purpose of this study is to measure middle schoolers’physical activity using three dimensional accelerometer and understand the differences of their levels of physical activity between semester and vacation. A total of 56 students(32 males and 24 females) participated in this study, and data was analyzed using SPSS. Independent sample t-test showed that during semester male students showed higher levels of vigorous physical activity and MVPA than did female students, but these differences disappeared during vacation. Paired sample t-test showed that there are the differences of all levels of physical activity including low intensity, middle intensity, vigorous physical activity, and MVPA between semester and vacation for male students. These results were also found for female students except for no difference of vigorous physical activity found. These findings are discussed in terms of physical education, leisure time physical activity, and physical activity constraints.
Key Words
physical activity, accelerometer, physically active lifestyle, moderate to vigorous physical activity, MVPA, gender
Analysis on Physical Education Class Anxiety Factor and solution strategy of Elementary School Teachers 초등교사의 체육교수불안 요인 및 해결전략 분석
이용국YongKukLee , 조건상GunSangCho
55(4) 263-271, 2016
Analysis on Physical Education Class Anxiety Factor and solution strategy of Elementary School Teachers 초등교사의 체육교수불안 요인 및 해결전략 분석
이용국YongKukLee , 조건상GunSangCho
The purpose of this study was to comprehensively analyse on PE class anxiety factor and solution strategy of elementary school teachers. In order to achieve this study purpose, 157 elementary school teachers were collected through open-ended questionnaire. During the data collection and analyses process, the credibility and ethics of the study were confirmed. The collected data were analyzed for the frequencies and percentages, separated by physical education class anxiety factor and solution strategy of elementary school teachers. The conclusions obtained in this study are as follows. First, the factor of elementary school teachers`` physical education class anxiety include teaching knowledge, teaching plans, teaching, classroom management, teaching environment. Second, the solution strategy of elementary school teachers`` physical education class anxiety include planning strategic, teaching strategy, management strategies, avoidance strategy.
Key Words
elementary school teacher, physical education class anxiety, solution strategy types
The positioning by Swimsuit Brand Image 수영복 브랜드이미지에 따른 포지셔닝
이정학JeoungHakLee , 이재문JaeMoonLee , 장용석YongSeokJang
55(4) 273-283, 2016
The positioning by Swimsuit Brand Image 수영복 브랜드이미지에 따른 포지셔닝
이정학JeoungHakLee , 이재문JaeMoonLee , 장용석YongSeokJang
This study aimed to identify what choice attributes of swimsuit brands estimate the swimsuits are recognized as the same quality. Data were receive to University students from March 16th to 25th in 2016. The 220 questionnaires were distributed, except 36 unfaithful responses. The contents of questionnaire were included in ``Brand image``. The collected data were analyzed by PROXSCAL technique, one method of the MDS(Multi-Dimensional Scaling), and Multiple Regression. As a result of this study, the highest competitive relationship among brand showed SPEEDO and MIZUNO brands and lowest showed ARENA and RENOMA brands. Concerning choice attribute of The RENOMA showed highest positioning in the price. And also, The ARENA was the highest positioning in the design, functional, quality, awareness, image ads, event, color, pandemic, refinement, originality, responsibility.
Key Words
swim, swimsuit, brand, brand image, positioning
Exploration study for draw Functional Area of Sport Event 스포츠 이벤트 기능영역 도출을 위한 탐험적 연구
There are efforts to optimize costs and maximize effectiveness of sports events with changing cognition. Proper organizational structure can be initiative to do these, so there are necessities of propose functional areas at the management perspective. With these background, the purpose of this study is to classify functional areas of Olympic at the management aspect. For this purpose, this study conduct four steps delphi research with total 7 experts. First step, experts conduct categorizing and itemizing based on 69 functional areas of 2016 Rio Olympic. Second step, experts provide opinion about first step results and third step, experts propose their point of view regarding to core issues. Fourth step, experts conduct group discussion for drawing final results.
Key Words
Sport Event, Functional Area, Olympic
Customer Experience Management(CEM) of Equestrian Club: The Effect of Touch Point on Customer Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention 승마장 고객경험관리(CEM): 고객접점이 고객만족과 재구매의도에 미치는 영향
윤여경YeoKyungYun , 조광민KwangMinCho , 이승로SeungLoRhee
55(4) 293-308, 2016
Customer Experience Management(CEM) of Equestrian Club: The Effect of Touch Point on Customer Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention 승마장 고객경험관리(CEM): 고객접점이 고객만족과 재구매의도에 미치는 영향
윤여경YeoKyungYun , 조광민KwangMinCho , 이승로SeungLoRhee
The purpose of this research was identifying the effect on customer satisfaction and repurchase intention of equestrian club touch points for effective Customer Experience Management(CEM). By using the Delphi method subjecting 12 panels, total 15 touch points and 61 customer experience indexes were derived. The results from the Delphi were used to identify the effect of touch point on customer satisfaction and repurchase intention. Data of research were collected from adult equestrian club customers through the questionnaire, and 330 data were distributed to the 12 equestrian clubs from September 1st to October 6th, 2015. Total 314 data were used to conduct frequency analysis, Exploratory Factor Analysis(EFA), reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results were as follows. First, touch points that had significant effect on customer satisfaction were coach customer relationship, information desk, coach personality. Second, touch points that had significant effect on repurchase intention were coach customer relationship, coach personality, horse riding program, information desk. Therefore equestrian club CEM should be human resource management centered to derive customer satisfaction and repurchase intention.
The Legal Obstacle Issues of Stadium Long Term Lease for Professional Baseball Team in Korea 프로야구 구단의 경기장 장기임대에 관한 장애요인
55(4) 309-316, 2016
The Legal Obstacle Issues of Stadium Long Term Lease for Professional Baseball Team in Korea 프로야구 구단의 경기장 장기임대에 관한 장애요인
The purpose of this study was to explore and discuss about legal issues and aspects related to ballpark long term lease for professional baseball teams in Korea. first of all, the researcher had a question as following. Why Korean professional baseball teams are unprofitable for a long time? There was a major structural problem. in conclusion, there were several facts as following: First, there were conflicts and controversy between Sport Industry Promotion Act and Public Property and Commodity Management Act. It is supposed to revise the other provisions. Second, Second, despite the amendment altogether, Sports Industry promotion Act``s problems remain with the Local Government Act. Third, besides the Installation and Use of Sport Facilities Act, there were legal aspects and provisions that should be revised.
Key Words
Long term lease, Sport Industry Promotion Act, Local Government Act, Profit, Professional baseball
The impacts of individual and structural sport facility factors on sport participation: A multilevel analysis approach 스포츠 참여에 영향을 미치는 개인 수준 요인과 지역 수준 체육시설 요인: 다층모형분석을 중심으로
김기한KihanKim , 류윤지YoonjiSeoulRyu
55(4) 317-332, 2016
The impacts of individual and structural sport facility factors on sport participation: A multilevel analysis approach 스포츠 참여에 영향을 미치는 개인 수준 요인과 지역 수준 체육시설 요인: 다층모형분석을 중심으로
김기한KihanKim , 류윤지YoonjiSeoulRyu
This research intends to analyze the influence of individual and structural sport facility factors on sport participation of Seoul residents. The primary sample, comprised of 465 residents aged 20 to 60 years old, were recruited from 25 districts in Seoul, Korea. The individual factors including demographic variables, physical and behavioral variables, and psychological variables were measured by the survey. The structural factors including number of public sports facilities and private sports facilities were collected from Seoul Statistics to conduct multilevel analysis. Results showed that individual level variables such as mental health, sport media consumption, self efficacy, social modelling and the number of private sports facilities were significantly related to sport participation of Seoul residents. However, the number of pubic sport facilities did not influence sport participation of Seoul residents at a statistically significant level. Implications, limitations and future research directions are discussed.
Key Words
sport particiaption, sport facility, sport infrastructure, multilevel analysis
Tour Map Development of Marin Leisure Activities at Youngdu Beach 해양레저체험 관광지도 개발
정문현MoonHyunJung , 진윤수YoonSooJin
55(4) 333-341, 2016
Tour Map Development of Marin Leisure Activities at Youngdu Beach 해양레저체험 관광지도 개발
정문현MoonHyunJung , 진윤수YoonSooJin
The purpose of this study is to vitalize fishing village economy, making tourists much more satisfied, by developing Tour Map of Marin Leisure Activities at Youngdu Beach. The results are as in the following. First, Tour Map of Marin Leisure Activities at Youngdu Beach consists of 16 pages to make it easier to carry. Second, the various contents regarding as Youngdu area are included , the history and origin of Youngdu beach, tourism, facilities, transportations, marine leisures, and tideland education & experiences. Third, 32 photos and 3 aerial maps are included to show the area more vividly. Fourth, for the better understanding of Yongdu Beach, 5 categories are included , beach facilities, views of the beach, Nampo Embankment and Pine Forest and the genuine efforts of villagers. Fifth, 6 features of facilities are described , tourist information centers, available leisure sports activities, nearby tourist attractions, public cooking facilities, camping grounds, and public restrooms. Sixth, 3 means of transportation - trains, buses and cars - are explained in detail. Seventh, to make it easer to understand all the marine leisure activities and tideland education & experiences effectively, Youngdu Beach is introduced, divided into A, B, and C areas respectively.
With more useful and vivid information by means of this Tour Map of Marin Leisure Activities at Youngdu Beach, we expect tourists will get much more satisfaction in visiting Youngdu Beach, which eventually will help fishing villagers increase their income.
Key Words
Tour Map Development, Marin Leisure Activities, Youngdu Beach
Phenomenological analysis of the fun experience of G-Golf Tour players G투어 참여 골프 선수들의 재미경험에 관한 현상학적 분석
한지훈JeeHoonHan , 이철원ChulWonLee , 서광봉KwangBongSeo
55(4) 343-350, 2016
Phenomenological analysis of the fun experience of G-Golf Tour players G투어 참여 골프 선수들의 재미경험에 관한 현상학적 분석
한지훈JeeHoonHan , 이철원ChulWonLee , 서광봉KwangBongSeo
The purpose of this study is to phenomenological analyze the fun experience of G-Golf Tour players. A total of 3 male and 3 female professional golfers who are currently participate in G-Golf Tour are selected by snow-ball sampling. Data was collected from interviews and participant observation, With this data, coding was done as first step and group categorization was done as second step in order to achieve the right result from meaningful analyzing. In order to approve the adequate of this study, the peer review was done by one qualitative research specialist and two candidates of Ph.D. The motivation of G-Tour participation, the notification changing of G-Tour, the addiction of G-Tour, the fun factor of G-Tour were drawn as the results, and the media exposure, personal relations, and skill improvement were drawn as the sub-factors of fun experience of G-Tour.
Key Words
g-golf tour, fun factor, phenomenological analysis
A Task for Listing Ssireum on the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity 씨름의 유네스코 인류무형유산 등재 전략 및 과제
The purpose of this study is to examine a task for listing Ssireum on the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. A conclusion of this is as follows. First, Ssireum is a folk game and a traditional sport representing Korea. Second, tasks for listing ssireum on Intangible Cultural Heritage are as follows. 1. The original form of ssireum should be concretely suggested through “A Study on Ssireum General Planning”. 2. “The Committee for Listing Ssireum on the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity” starting in 2014 should offer PR and justification for listing ssireum on Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity at home and abroad. 3. It should reach close coordination scheme with related government departments such as World Heritage Team in Cultural Heritage Administration and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 4. Materials related to ssireum at home and abroad needed to listing on UNESCO should be wholly collected. 5. Department related to ssireum should be continuously opened in colleges. 6. Ssireum should be designated as intangible cultural asset, and “Ssireum Training Center” should be built. 7. The government should support continuously based on “Ssireum Promotion Act”. 8. Types for listing on Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity should be prepared. Third, Ssireum will list. This will be an opportunity that this folk game is recognized as the important part of intangible heritage, and an opportunity to confirm that a community game is fully valuable for listing on Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
Key Words
Ssireum, UNESCO, Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, Criteria of the List, Listing Procedure
Establishment and Application of Sports Purelism 스포츠 순수주의(Purelism)의 정립 및 적용
채승일SeungIlChae , 김진훈JinHunKim , 이호근HoKunYi
55(4) 361-368, 2016
Establishment and Application of Sports Purelism 스포츠 순수주의(Purelism)의 정립 및 적용
채승일SeungIlChae , 김진훈JinHunKim , 이호근HoKunYi
This thesis sets and applies the new concept of Sports Purelism. It shows the establishment of Sports Purelism as below. First, it does not set certain standards and scope. Second, it lets the original elements of sports can be seen through the act itself. Third, it doesn’t form a bias, prejudice and stereotypes. Forth, Sports Purism prohibits discrimination on the sports. Through this process of establishing Sports Purelism, can be applied as follows: First, it is possible for it to be applied in relation to triumphalism. Second, Sports Purelism can be applied to Lookism. Third, Sports Purelism can be applied to commercialism. To create and make new concepts is a very difficult and complex process. With that reason, it is a worthwhile research and I hope various follow-up studies are being conducted through this research.
Key Words
Lookism, Purelism, Sports ethics, Fixed idea
A Case Study on the Administrative Organization Privatization and Penal Torts of Korea Karatedo Federation and Seoul Taekwondo Federation 대한공수도연맹과 서울시태권도협회 조직사유화와 불법행위에 대한 사례 연구
정태린TaerinChung , 권관배KwanBaeKwon , 김창우ChangWooKim
55(4) 365-373, 2016
A Case Study on the Administrative Organization Privatization and Penal Torts of Korea Karatedo Federation and Seoul Taekwondo Federation 대한공수도연맹과 서울시태권도협회 조직사유화와 불법행위에 대한 사례 연구
정태린TaerinChung , 권관배KwanBaeKwon , 김창우ChangWooKim
Martial art organization is an administrative system which assists administrative tasks of concerned and convenience accommodation of them. The purpose of this study was aimed to micro analyze two administrative organization privatization cases, the Korean Karatedo Federation case and the Seoul Taekwondo Federation case, in Korean positive law and propose several preventive measures could control the recurrence in Korea and even internationally. The results for this research are as follow: The irregularly cases proved a social phenomenon which the martial art organizations are vulnerable to various irregularities, even if many policies and provisions are being prepared so far. Organization privatization is being pointed for the irregularities of these two cases. However, a larger issue than the result is absent of preventive measures based on sport law. With this reason, institutional strategy for recurrence prevention policy based sport law must be provided as soon as possible.
The Relationship between Local community and Pyeong-Chang Olympic-game 평창 동계올림픽과 지역사회의 관계
김진국JinKookKim , 김도훈DoHunKim
55(4) 379-388, 2016
The Relationship between Local community and Pyeong-Chang Olympic-game 평창 동계올림픽과 지역사회의 관계
김진국JinKookKim , 김도훈DoHunKim
This study aims to find out the impact on between Pyeong-Chang Olympic-game and lacal community. Trough this aims to find out the impact on ripple effect and local resident’s attitude related to hold a mega-event.
For this paper, the subjects surveyed were based local residents in Gangwon-do. A total of 400 surveys were sent out, and 396 surveys were used for the final analysis after weighing of credibility.
The research tools was questionnaire and using by 4 questions of demographic characteristicfactors, 19 questions of lacal community benefit factors, 10 loyalty factors and 5 image factors.
Survey data was processed by using confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation model, maximum likelihood, critical ratio and structural equation model.
Frist, local community benefit was found to have in impact on image. Second, local community benefit was found to have in impact on loyalty. Third, image was found to have in impact on loyalty.
Key Words
Pyeong-Chang Olympic-game, local community, local community benefit, image, loyalty
The Study on Relationship Among Experiential Marketing of Golf Product Brand, Brand Attitude, Purchase Intension 골프용품브랜드의 체험마케팅과 브랜드태도 및 구매의도와의 관계연구
김진국JinKookKim , 김도훈DoHunKim
55(4) 389-398, 2016
The Study on Relationship Among Experiential Marketing of Golf Product Brand, Brand Attitude, Purchase Intension 골프용품브랜드의 체험마케팅과 브랜드태도 및 구매의도와의 관계연구
김진국JinKookKim , 김도훈DoHunKim
This study aims to find out the impact on between Experiential Marketing of Golf Product Brand Flagship Stores, Brand Attitude, Purchase Intension.
For this paper, the subjects surveyed were based customer of Callaway, Taylormade, Tourstage, Titleist and Srixon’s flagship stores. A total of 500 surveys were sent out, and 477 surveys (95.4%) were used for the final analysis after weighing of credibility. Survey data was processed by using descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, internal consistency reliability, correlation analysis, structural equation model. Frist, sensory experience, sensitivity experience, recognition experience, behavior experience of experiential marketing factors of golf product brand flagship stores’s experiential marketing factors were found have an impact on brand attitude. But relate experience was not have an impact on brand attitude. Second, sensory experience, sensitivity experience, recognition experience, behavior experience and relate experience of golf product brand flagship stores’s experiential marketing factors were found have an impact on purchase intention. Third, brand attitude was found have an impact on purchase intention.
Application and interpretation of the Anti-Doping in professional sports 프로스포츠에서 반도핑(도핑방지)의 적용과 해석
김진훈JinHunKim , 채승일SeungIlChae , 이호근HoKunYi
55(4) 399-407, 2016
Application and interpretation of the Anti-Doping in professional sports 프로스포츠에서 반도핑(도핑방지)의 적용과 해석
김진훈JinHunKim , 채승일SeungIlChae , 이호근HoKunYi
This study is to explore the meaning, content, and value with the anti-doping rules in professional sports and, seeks to explore the relationship between sport and anti-doping and sizing was investigated through the literature methods. The sanctions for doping in professional sports in the country has been strengthened, since the provisions provided for each group indisputable reality of the sanctions has been solved to some extent. It also permanently caught during the third expulsion, regardless of whether events and errors can be remind of the implications for the awareness about doping and anti-doping in professional sports. That is, at the same time as the criteria for imposition of mandatory doping prepared to became necessary discussions with various interpretations. In addition, professional sports anti-doping regulations naturally blends activity and further anti-doping efforts are being activated, there are challenges that need to be promoted. In the establishment of professional sports anti-doping regulations, the process of discussion and agreement has been lack of adequate and urgent approval to proceed with the establishment of the force. As a result, problems occur because every time you need to amend the provisions of this follow-up study that there should be various.
Key Words
doping, anti-doping, professional sports, kada
A Study for Problem and improvement through Recreation Leader qualifications Analysis in Korea : Focused on Korean Leisure & Recreation Association 국내 레크리에이션지도자 자격제도 현황 분석을 통한 문제점과 개선방안에 관한 고찰 : 한국여가레크리에이션협회를 중심으로
55(4) 409-419, 2016
A Study for Problem and improvement through Recreation Leader qualifications Analysis in Korea : Focused on Korean Leisure & Recreation Association 국내 레크리에이션지도자 자격제도 현황 분석을 통한 문제점과 개선방안에 관한 고찰 : 한국여가레크리에이션협회를 중심으로
This study was conducted for the purpose of exploring the problems and improvements through the Korea qualifications system Analysis recreation leaders. In particular, compared with Korea leisure sports associations qualifications systems and how the existing literature previous studies, analyzes could be concluded as follows.
First, leaders must embody the recreational names in the standard classification list(Statistics Korea, NSO). Based on this, through various pension and social security system, including health benefits of recreation leaders, policy support is needed to help raise the qualification training could be consistently maintained and managed. Second, the training and deployment requirements and builds the information system for the qualification and then work in conjunction with retraining and job creation measures, will bring a qualitative improvement of leaders through regular retraining programs. Thirdly, by expanding the scope of government support for non-profit organizations we will need to expand public services. It will also strive to continuously develop and disseminate leadership training programs, so that in comparison with other Recreation Association Korean Association to serve as a role model.
Key Words
Recreation Leader qualifications, Korean Leisure & Recreation Association, Problem and Solution
Effect of Leisure Satisfaction on Life Satisfaction in Korean and Chinese College Students: Moderating Effects of Leisure Participation and Economic Levels 한국과 중국 대학생의 여가만족이 삶의 만족에 미치는 영향: 여가참여 수준과 경제 수준의 조절효과 검증
황선환SunhwanHwang , 김종호KimJongho
55(4) 421-431, 2016
Effect of Leisure Satisfaction on Life Satisfaction in Korean and Chinese College Students: Moderating Effects of Leisure Participation and Economic Levels 한국과 중국 대학생의 여가만족이 삶의 만족에 미치는 영향: 여가참여 수준과 경제 수준의 조절효과 검증
황선환SunhwanHwang , 김종호KimJongho
The purpose of this study was to examine the moderating effect of leisure participation and economic levels on the relationship between leisure satisfaction and life satisfaction in Korean and Chinese college students. A total of 620 surveys was employed for the analyses. Hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to examine the moderating effect of leisure participation and economic levels. As the results, psychological, social, and environmental leisure satisfaction had positive effects on life satisfaction in Korean. However, only social leisure satisfaction had it in Chinese. Secondly, there was no significant moderating effect of leisure participation and economic levels on the relationship between leisure satisfaction and life satisfaction in both college student groups. Finally, leisure satisfaction of Korean college students is an important factor for life satisfaction, whereas it is not a critical dimension for life satisfaction in Chinese college students.
Key Words
여가만족, 삶의 만족, 여가참여 수준, 경제 수준, 조절효과, Leisure satisfaction, Life satisfaction, Leisure participation Level, economic status, moderating effect
A Study on the Korean Cultural Art Education Policies and the Practical Tasks of School Dance Education 한국문화예술교육정책과 학교무용교육의 실천과제 연구
55(4) 433-442, 2016
A Study on the Korean Cultural Art Education Policies and the Practical Tasks of School Dance Education 한국문화예술교육정책과 학교무용교육의 실천과제 연구
This article, in order to review changes in the Korean cultural art education policies and to study the practical tasks of dance education, firstly, figured out the comprehensive situations of the Korean cultural art education policies, and secondly, discussed the practical tasks in the institutional education field in Korea. The method of this study was make an analysis incultural art education policies and resolve in the institutional education field ,As a result, the current Korean cultural art education policies has progressed from the direction of ``conservation and development of traditional cultural arts`` in 1993 to the present one suitable to the era of cultural enrichment. In the institutional field, the purpose of education has changed from the early rearing of artists to ``conservation and development of the Korean culture`` to rearing citizens and cultural people who can share and enjoy culture to the current rearing creative talents through cultural art. For the practical tasks, it necessitates methodological practical strategies in various aspects and supplement of educators`` expertise in educational field.
Key Words
Korean cultural art education, cultural art education policy, institutional education, creative talent, practical task
New Perspectives: Reconceptualization of Community Dance Based on Community of Practice Theory and Practice
김지영JiYoungKim , 박인실InSilPark
55(4) 443-462, 2016
New Perspectives: Reconceptualization of Community Dance Based on Community of Practice Theory and Practice
김지영JiYoungKim , 박인실InSilPark
The purpose of this study was to suggest an extensive and evolved conceptual model of community dance reflecting new tendencies, practice, and various values. For the purpose, efforts were made to categorize common properties based on various cases using qualitative data collection about 10 community dance specialists. The Practice of Community theory of Wenger(1991) has contributed to conceptualization including the new perspective on community dance, which has been the theoretical framework. Firstly, ``a community`` as a basic premise is self-organizing, interactive, regional and creative. Secondly, ``practice`` in community dance means openness, focused on participants, improvisation and nmind-body centering , value-oriented processes and connectivity with daily lives. Thirdly, ``social learning`` can be interpreted within the framework of joint enterprise and domain, quality and status of dacne, and dance literacy embodied as a shared repertoire. Lastly, identity of community dance has been expanding the concept area as ``dance for all`` reflecting ongoing properties and future-oriented values in that it pursues healing arts and relationship, amateurism collaborating with dance artists, combination of democratic citizenship and civic creativity, cultural diversity and social integration, and types of sustainable development.
Key Words
community dance, community of practice, social learning, identity, reconceptualization
An Inquiry concerning the Involvement Factors, Stress Factors and Dropouts Factors of the Participants in Adult Ballet as Physical Active Leisure 신체 활동 형의 여가생활로써 성인 발레 참여자의 참여 요인과 스트레스 요인 및 중도 탈락 요인 탐색
박지영JiYoungPark , 이해준HaeJunLee
55(4) 463-474, 2016
An Inquiry concerning the Involvement Factors, Stress Factors and Dropouts Factors of the Participants in Adult Ballet as Physical Active Leisure 신체 활동 형의 여가생활로써 성인 발레 참여자의 참여 요인과 스트레스 요인 및 중도 탈락 요인 탐색
박지영JiYoungPark , 이해준HaeJunLee
The aim of this study is to inquire the involvement motivations and the predictable dropouts factors of male and female adult participants in adult ballet as leisure activities by analysing the response rate of the involvement factors, stress factors and the dropouts factors. The participants of this study consisted of 200 adults with an experience of adult ballet. The data was collected by an open-ended questionnaire. Then the raw data was analyzed inductively and categorized into the subject area, the detail area and ultimately the general area. The order of response rate of involvement factors was as follows: physical factors(67.4%), psychological factors(11.8%), characteristics of adult ballet(11.5%), utilizing leisure time(6.1%) and extrinsic factors(3.2%). The order of response rate of stress factors was as follows: physical factors(54.8%), extrinsic factors(13.4%), characteristics of adult ballet(11.7%), the rest(14.2%) and psychological factors(5.9%). The order of response rate of dropouts factors was as follows: extrinsic factors(69.2%), physical factors(17.2%), the rest(12.3%) and psychological factors(1.3%). The necessity of follow-up studies on the activation strategies of adult ballet participant was discussed.
A Study on the Missionary Task of Jesus Praise Dance - using Grounded Theory 근거이론을 활용한 예수찬양 댄스의 선교적 사명 연구
55(4) 475-484, 2016
A Study on the Missionary Task of Jesus Praise Dance - using Grounded Theory 근거이론을 활용한 예수찬양 댄스의 선교적 사명 연구
This research is aims to research a missionary assignment and ministry of Jesus Praise dance in church or ministry fields. The suggestion could be made by expand God``s influence substantive theory in religious belief movement for home mission work and mission work through jesus paise dance program. The research question is, What are you pursuit? How to get in motive jesus paise dance movement. What are you missionary task. How feelings are God``s love after movement. The research used a route theory approach, and 3 of participation in jesus paise dance activity. The research question used semi - structured open questions. As a result of paradigm model analysis, “missionary task of jesus praise dance” is defined as a core phenomenon, and causative conditions are “cognition of jesus praise dance”, “anticipatable forward”, “evaluable feedback”,“result of jesus praise dance”, the core phenomenon act and interact with effect of mediatory conditions, “appropriacy of jesus praise dance”,“effect of missionary work”. Here the action and reaction appear as “prayer response”, “association of a disciple”, “the grace of God”. The result, invigorate the missionary task through jesus praise dance of christian could be “the goal of God”, “pursue of witness living”, “heaven``s hope”.
Key Words
jesus praise dance, missionary task, semi-structured interview
Analysis of Art-Based STEAM Education and Study of Dance-Based STEAM Education Direction 예술중심 STEAM 교육 현황 분석 및 무용중심 STEAM 교육의 방향성 고찰
임수진SooJinIm , 이해준HaeJoonLee
55(4) 485-493, 2016
Analysis of Art-Based STEAM Education and Study of Dance-Based STEAM Education Direction 예술중심 STEAM 교육 현황 분석 및 무용중심 STEAM 교육의 방향성 고찰
임수진SooJinIm , 이해준HaeJoonLee
The study is to propose direction of dance education by analysing art-based STEAM education to cultivate talented people well equipped to solve problems in a creative and comprehensive way. Art-based STEAM educations nationally practised were selected and 99 Master’s and Doctor’s theses and 65 academic journals were collected by carrying out material. The findings are as follows, 1) The studies of art-based STEAM educations have increased since 2011. 2) Educational area is researched in order of elementary education, others, secondary education, higher education and early childhood education. 3) In research subject of Master’s and Doctor’s theses, the order of popularity is teaching method, others, fact-revealing and related theory, and in academic journals, teaching method, related theory, others and fact-revealing. 4) In research method, it is literature, qualitative and quantitative research. The study suggests that research subject be steadily expanded and diversifying. For example, it might be the study to verify the necessity and effect of dance-based STEAM eduction and find out the current and real state of the application to education field. Required is combined study to employ together quantitative research using objective statistical data to verify real effects and qualitative research using interview to get direct opinions and analysis on them. It is important to recognize what paradigm of time is required to stimulate effective STEAM education.
Key Words
STEAM, Dance education, Art
Development Plan of KAPHERD Journals 한국체육학회 학술지 발전 방안
The purpose of this study is to find developing plan of the journals of KAPHERD. For the purpose, this study looked into current trends of international journals of physical education published in United States and Japan, and relevant domestic academic journals., examined present efforts for internationalization of the academic divisions of KAPHERD(its subcommittees),analyzed the evaluation standards of National Research Foundation of Korea and major international citation index DB. The results are as follow: First, the journal of KAPHERD should be selected as an outstanding registered journal in continuous assessment in 2017, and IJHMS must be relisted as candidate of registration journal. To achieve the goal, these two journals should be internationalized. The way of internalization is managing its own homepage for publishing e-journal and independent submission system. Second, KAPHERD should set up a goal of being registered in international DB such as AHCI and SCOPUS while retaining its Korean-Publication system. The goal of achieving international level requires immense efforts in various parts which includes editing, system, accessibility and promotion of the journal. Third, IJHMS should achieve international level for its own status as English journal. With Systematic and professional endeavor, it can be registered in international DB prior to the KAPHERD journal. Lastly, KAPHERD should actively get a support from KOFST.
Key Words
Journals of KAPHERD, Indexing, International Database, AHCI, SCOPUS
The effects of PPARβ/δ overexpression on PGC-1α mRNA and protein stability after accute endurance exercise in mice skeletal muscle 생쥐의 골격근에 PPARβ/δ 과발현이 1회 지구성 운동 후 안정시 PGC-1α mRNA와 단백질 안정성에 미치는 영향
고진호Jin-hoKoh , 정수련RyunSuJung , 김기진Ki-jinKim
55(4) 507-516, 2016
The effects of PPARβ/δ overexpression on PGC-1α mRNA and protein stability after accute endurance exercise in mice skeletal muscle 생쥐의 골격근에 PPARβ/δ 과발현이 1회 지구성 운동 후 안정시 PGC-1α mRNA와 단백질 안정성에 미치는 영향
고진호Jin-hoKoh , 정수련RyunSuJung , 김기진Ki-jinKim
The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of PPARβ/δ over-expression on PGC-1α mRNA and protein stability after single bout of swimming exercise in mice skeletal muscle. Empty vector (EV) or PPARβ/δ was over-expressed in tibialis anterior(TA) using electroporation(EPO) technique to compare with non-treatment muscle(control; Con). TA muscles were dissected at 0h, 24h or 54h after termination of exercise. PGC-1α mRNA in Con, EV and PPARβ/δ over-expressed muscles were increased 6.8 fold (p<.001), 6.2 fold(p<.001) and 7.1 fold(p<.001), respectively, than sedentary(Sed) group at 0h after exercise and then reverted to Sed group levels at 24h and 54h after termination of exercise. PGC-1α and PGC-1α ubiquitination in EV treated muscles were increased 2.2 fold and 1.74 fold, respectively, than Sed group at 24h after termination of exercise, and then reverted to Sed group levels at 54h after termination of exercise. PGC-1α in PPARβ/δ over-expressed muscles at 24h and 54h after termination of exercise were increased 2.5 fold and 2.2 fold, respectively, than Sed group, but PGC-1α ubiquitination was not increased at 24h and 54h after termination of exercise. Our results indicate that PPARβ/δ over-expression does not increase PGC-1α mRNA stability, but increase PGC-1α protein stability through post-translation mechanism after termination of exercise.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of characteristics of subjects on accuracy of the activity monitor by comparing the energy expenditure measured by the gas analyzer and activity monitor. The fifty subjects (25 males and 25 females) completed 3 min of walking(M: 5km/h, F: 4.5km/h), fast walking(M: 7km/h, F: 6.5km/h), and running(M: 11km/h, F: 10km/h) on the treadmill while measuring energy expenditure by the gas analyzer and activity monitor simultaneously. The results were as follows. 1) The energy expenditure between the gas analyzer and activity monitor were not significantly different during walking(M: p<1.00 F: p<.49). During fast walking, it showed significant difference in males(p<.02) but it did not show significant difference(p<.09) in females. However, it showed significant difference during running(M: p<.00 F: p<.00). 2) The mean absolute percent error was 23.42±16.17% at walking, 30.63±22.86% at fast walking, and 29.52±18.52% at running in males, and 28.90±18.93% at walking, 31.41±28.07% at fast walking, and 37.71±27.93% at running in females. 3) There were signigicant correlation between the height and mean absolute percent error at walking(r=.731, p<.00) and fast walking(r=.423, p=.04). Weight and mean absolute percent error at walking also showed significant correlation(r=.418, p=.04). In conclusion, this study showed that characteristics of subjects should be regarded as an important factor for future studies especially in developing algorithms and validating activity monitors.
Key Words
activity monitor, energy expenditure, fast walking, running
The Comparative Analysis of Body Shape Perception, Nutritional Status and Metabolic Syndrome Factors of Middle-Aged Women by Physical Activity Level 신체활동 수준에 따른 중년여성의 주관적 체형과 영양상태 및 대사증후군 요인의 비교분석 - 2013~2015년 KNHANES 데이터분석을 중심으로
전용균Yong-kyunJeon , 조원제Won-jeCho
55(4) 527-539, 2016
The Comparative Analysis of Body Shape Perception, Nutritional Status and Metabolic Syndrome Factors of Middle-Aged Women by Physical Activity Level 신체활동 수준에 따른 중년여성의 주관적 체형과 영양상태 및 대사증후군 요인의 비교분석 - 2013~2015년 KNHANES 데이터분석을 중심으로
전용균Yong-kyunJeon , 조원제Won-jeCho
This study was conducted with the Korea National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey(KNHANES Ⅵ) to analyze the physical activity levels of middle aged women who have regular exercise habits. The purpose of the study was to find out the differences between the body shape perception, nutritional status and metabolic syndrome factors according to the physical activity level. The physical level was classified according to the MET-minute which is from the international physical activity questionnaire(IPAQ). The body composition, the body shape perception and the nutritional status was filled out by individual interview. In metabolic syndrome factors, the cholesterol, HDL-C, triglyceride and fasting glucose were analyzed and tested by blood sampling. As a result, the ages of moderate physical activity(MPA) was significantly higher than the low physical activity(LPA) (p<.05). The level of height of the high physical activity(HPA) was considerably higher than MPA (p<.01). In the metabolic syndrome factors, the level of waist size of the HPA was significantly lower than the LPA(p<.05). The level of fasting blood glucose of HPA was significantly lower than the LPA(p<.05). Also, the level of HDL-C and the triglyceride of the HPA were considerably higher than the LPA and MPA (p<.05)(p<.01). In the nutritional status, the level of total energy intake of the HPA was significantly higher than the LPA(p<.05). The level of water and protein intake of HPA and MPA was considerably higher than the LPA(p<.01)(p<.001). Also, the level of fat intake in the MPA was significantly higher than the LPA(p<.05).
Key Words
physical activity level, body shape perception, nutritional status, metabolic syndrome factors, middle-aged women
Comparisons of performances before and after the rule changes in the Modern Pentathlon 근대5종 경기규칙 개정 전후의 경기기록 분석
한도령Do-ryoungHan , 최형준HyongjunChol
55(4) 541-550, 2016
Comparisons of performances before and after the rule changes in the Modern Pentathlon 근대5종 경기규칙 개정 전후의 경기기록 분석
한도령Do-ryoungHan , 최형준HyongjunChol
This study was to compare the official stats of the Modern Pentathlon competition before and after the rule changes, particularly it keened to compare individual performances based on a level of performance. For the comparisons, the competitions from 2005 to 2014 organized by the korean association of the Modern Pentathlon have been considered that the players`` data was split to two groups such as upper 25%(n=253) and under 25% of ranks(n=277). The independent t-test was used to determined in the data analysis process that results found were; Firstly, there were critical differences between groups that it was clear to be confirmed between the groups on the official data before the rule changes. But, the official data shown that the scores and points were increased in the combined competition which has combined between shooting and running competition. Secondly, there were significant differences of records in horse riding, scores in fencing, swimming, horse riding and combined events(p<.05). Consequently, there were significant differences of scores and records that it keened to explain the effectiveness of the rule changes for the Modern Pentathlon. Also, it is shown the potential effects on the development of the Modern Pentathlon with the rule changes.
Key Words
Modern Pentathlon, rule changes, matche records, perfromance analysis
Effects of sport commitment and psychological well-being of the physically disabled Gateball program participation 지체장애인의 게이트볼프로그램 참여에 따른 스포츠 몰입 및 심리적 웰빙 분석
55(4) 551-559, 2016
Effects of sport commitment and psychological well-being of the physically disabled Gateball program participation 지체장애인의 게이트볼프로그램 참여에 따른 스포츠 몰입 및 심리적 웰빙 분석
This study aims to analyze the sports commitment and psychological wellbeing of physically disabled persons to participate in the program Gateball 12 weeks. The subjects of sport involvement and psychological well-being was measured divided by the participating groups (12 patients) and non-participation group (12 patients) targeting handicapped man shot 24 people to participate in a program operated by the City Gateball A Disabled Sports Association. All data were subjected to two won repeated measures analysis of variance (2-way [2] RM ANOVA) for using the SPSS 21.0 statistical program groups (participating groups, the non-participation group) and time (before and after), all statistically significant level was set at .05. Results: First, showed improved levels of all sub-factors is that the commitment and involvement in the conduct of physically disabled persons sports commitment of the participating Gateball. Second, it showed higher level of enjoyment, competence, immersion of the sub-factor in the psychological well-being of the physically disabled in accordance with Gateball participation.
Impact on the sport for the degree of participation Motivation of Physical Disabilities 생활체육 참여정도가 지체장애인의 참여동기에 미치는 영향
김한철Han-cheolKim , 김동원Dong-wonKim
55(4) 561-570, 2016
Impact on the sport for the degree of participation Motivation of Physical Disabilities 생활체육 참여정도가 지체장애인의 참여동기에 미치는 영향
김한철Han-cheolKim , 김동원Dong-wonKim
This study aims to examine the extent participate in sport for their impact on participation motivation of the handicapped. To study and live in the city A, subjects were members participating in the sport for the disabled 203 people. All measured data using the SPSS 21.0 way analysis of variance program (One-way ANOVA) was carried out and said multiple regression analysis (multiple regression analysis), all the statistical significance level was set at .05. In summary, the results are as follows. First, there appeared to have a positive difference in the effectiveness of participation motivation levels according to gender, age, disability rating according to the demographic characteristics of the handicapped. Second, life sports participation rate (exercise duration, exercise time, exercise intensity) of the Physically Disabled was shown to be highly positive effect on the extrinsic motivation of participation motivation, sub-factors of intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, influence of unmotivated the exercise time and intensity of exercise with respect to the effect showed the highest impact.
Geriatric Syndromes and Physical Activity 노인증후군과 신체활동
최수영SuyoungChoi , 홍예주Ye-juHong
55(4) 571-578, 2016
Geriatric Syndromes and Physical Activity 노인증후군과 신체활동
최수영SuyoungChoi , 홍예주Ye-juHong
The purpose of this study was to review the present evidences of physical activity for older adults with geriatric syndromes. Geriatric syndromes such as frailty, fall, dementia, depression in older population are higher prevalent. Therefore, strategy to prevent and manage them should be considered to prepare for super aged society. A literature search pertaining to physical activity and geriatric syndromes/frailty/older adults was conducted using electronic databases. Results suggest that unsupervised physical activity recommendations have generally not been shown to improve physical or cognitive function in frail older adults. Also, the older and frailer the individual, the greater the rationale for the addition of progressive resistance and balance training to aerobic exercise programs, given the prevalence of sarcopenia, frailty, falls, cognitive impairment, and depression in this group.